Devotional & Sermon Series

Daily Prayer and Reflection
Each day a new devotional, scripture reading, reflection questions and prayer will be available via, and social media for you. You can pick up a hard copy from the church or email to be added to the daily emails

April 7, Week 1: Grounded in Gratitude
Gratitude is the heart's response to God's endless generosity. As we embark on Our Legacy Generosity Campaign, we invite you to journey with us as we exploring how a life rooted in gratitude can shape a legacy that echoes through life and discover the transformative power of giving thanks.

April 15, Week 2: Embodied in Ministry
Our ministry is the lifeblood of our community, where faith meets action. Acts of service are not just tasks but sacred offerings that embody our legacy of Christ. Our Legacy campaign aims to strengthen our ministry—extending our reach, deepening our impact, and nurturing spaces where everyone feels the touch of God's transformative love. Join us to uncover the profound impact of serving “the least of these.”

April 21, Week 3: Revealed in Prayer
Prayer is central to this journey. Journey with us as we explore prayer not just as a request to God, but as a daily alignment with God's ongoing work in the world.

April 28, Week 4: Amplified in Generosity
Generosity shapes our legacy more than we can imagine. Our giving is an expression of our commitment to God's work, encompassing not just monetary donations but also the sharing of time and talents. This campaign invites us to give generously, with faith and love, supporting our church's mission. Every contribution—time, talent, treasure—is a seed for tomorrow.

May 5, Week 5: Renewed in Love
Our journey is not just about reaching a financial goal; it's about making a collective commitment to our church's future. It's a promise to support, participate, and pray for the success of our endeavors. We're not just raising funds; we're pledging to build our future together. A future marked by transformative love and generosity. This is a call to action for everyone to contribute, pray, and participate in laying a foundation for generations to come.