Why is this campaign important for our church?
Our community is evolving. Enhancing our financial position both in the annual and capital components will allow us freedom and flexibility to address these changing needs so we can continue our positive impact.

Are you asking me for two different commitments? Why not just one?
The elements of the campaign address two specific needs we have as a church. The annual component addresses our day-day operations, utilities, salaries, etc. The capital component is focused on our effort to reduce our debt level to a more manageable level without drastically increasing our annual budget.

What is the time frame for the campaign?
The capital campaign is focused on the next three years, June 2024 - June 2027. The annual campaign has a 12 month horizon, July 2024 - June 2025.

How much should I give?
We ask that you prayerfully consider as a family the level of commitment you can provide. We have tools to help you consider innovative ways to think through what may be affordable.

How will the success of the campaign be measured?
The campaign success will be benchmarked against the financial goals established.

Are there Fundraising Benchmarks?
Our target for the three year capital campaign is $500,000, and the goal for the annual program is $480,000.

How will the $350-$500K Impact our annual budget?
This range of capital campaign success yields an annual savings of between $36,000 and $42,000 per year. This provides a window of opportunity to focus these funds to meet the changing needs of our community.

What happens if the campaign doesn't reach its goal? Are there any contingency plans or adjustments that will be made if the campaign falls short of its fundraising target?
Lower levels of success with the capital campaign will place a greater burden on the annual budget and limit our ability to address community needs.

Can I contribute stocks, securities, or other assets?
Yes See “Creative Strategies for Giving”

Will this pay off all our debt? If not why a 3-year accelerated Debt campaign?
We do not anticipate the campaign will pay down all of our debt. Our goal with the capital campaign is to get our debt lowered to a more manageable level. Three years is a logical window.

I don’t have a lot to give, so how can I help?
First, please pray that God will provide for our mission and ministry at Aldersgate and “Lord, What do you want to do through me?” Prayer is the greatest gift of all. Second, know there are many ways you can serve generously and look for what God is calling you to do and make an impact with Aldersgate.

Other questions?
Contact Jim Cline at james.c.cline1@gmail.com or any member of the Legacy Leadership Team.