Creative Strategies for Giving

Cash Flow Gifts
Smaller gifts add up!!! By giving smaller amounts at higher frequencies - weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly - Large gift can be reached in smaller steps. Using electronic transfers can be beneficial when making these gifts.

Diverted Funds Gifts
Freeing up funds that are currently going to other areas of spending allows a person to increase giving to God’s work. Diverting funds from entertainment, dining out, dues, subscriptions, gifts, allowances, or transportation offers lifestyle adjustments that impact ones’s giving.

Delayed Expenditures
Postponing major expenditures such as automobiles, home projects, or trips provides substantial giving opportunities.

Income Producing Assets
Interest income, payments from rental properties, or income from other assets provide a source for increased giving.

Sale of Assets
Sale of Major assets, such as a house, car, land, or business provides available income for giving.

Raises and Bonuses
Contributing raises and bonuses are also creative methods that can be used to increase giving.

Freedom From Debt
Looking ahead to the next three years, you may discover that debt obligation will be fulfilled. This frees up revenue for additional giving.

Unique Skills Income
Some people have marketable hobbies or skills that enable them to give from those new profits

Charitable Giving Resources
Reviewing all charitable donation in light of their impact on the Kingdom of God affords potential resource for significant giving.

Savings and Annuities
Savings for special projects, retirement, or a “rainy day” may offer a resource for increased giving. We often realize that a portion of our saving may safely be given to the work of God’s Kingdom through our church.

Corporate Gifts
Business owners may be able to provide gifts-in-kind that may result in a stronger gift to the church and tax benefits to the donor.

Special Tax-Free IRA Gifts
For those ages 70 1/2 and older, it is possible to make tax-favorable charitable gifts from IRA accounts. A total of up to $100,000 per year can be transferred directly from IRAs to one or more qualifies charities, such as our church, free from federal income tax.

There may also be state income tax savings. For those 72 and older or those who have begun taking their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), donations given inthis way count toward their RMD for the year of the gift. To donate from an IRA, it is important to make the donation directly from the IRA to the church.

For those with check writing privileges on their accounts, this may be the most efficient way to make gifts directly from an IRA.

What kind of assets should I give?
Appreciated investment property held more than one year, such as publicly traded stocks, mutual fund shares, bonds, and real estate have tremendous tax advantages.

Why give gifts other than cash?
The tax code is very generous toward this form of giving. Giving the asset to the church, then letting the church sell, eliminates potential capital gains taxes and can increase the after-tax proceeds when giving stocks, mutual fund shares, bonds, and real estate.

How does the tax benefit work?
-Itemized Deduction: The individual or business is allowed to include 100% of the market value of most such assets as charitable contributions for tax purposes if held more than one year.
-Capital Gains: The transfer of property does not generate a capital gains tax.
-The church, as a tax-exempt entity, will realize the full market value, less transaction costs, at the time of sale without paying capital gains taxes.

How do I give other than cash gifts?
For more information on how to give stocks, mutual fund shares, and bonds, please contact Janille Randall at For specific or confidential questions, you may also contact your financial planner, CPA, or tax expert.

NOTE: Any discussions for the tax implications of gift vehicles should not be considered as tax advice. Consult your personal tax professional for advice on your specific tax situation.

Contact Janille Randall at or your tax advisor for more information.