Our Vision

"One generation shall praise your works to another, and shall declare your mighty works."

- Psalm 145:4

The Psalmist celebrates the power of legacy within the context of faith and the church. It emphasizes the importance of one generation sharing with the next about the mighty works and character of God.

Each of you reading this has been the beneficiary of the legacy built over the last three decades at Aldersgate. You have each experienced the mighty works of God in your own unique way and had your own Aldersgate experience.

Aldersgate has been a sanctuary and fellowship, nurturing deep relationships and a place where we respond with heartfelt love and compassion to both the congregation’s and the community’s needs. Making North Carrollton a better place. Together, we have been praised for our commitment to feeding our neighbors, for our music ministry, for our acts of compassion and kindness, and for strong children’s and youth ministries. Even through the uncertainty and chaos of the last few years of COVID-19 and denominational division, we have remained unified in Christ.

We celebrate and praise God for all that has gotten us to this point.

Now is the time for us, the people of Aldersgate UMC, to begin building a future Legacy together so that an Aldersgate Experience will continue for decades to come. Your engagement and commitment are more crucial than ever. You have been graciously invited to join the church’s leadership and me in a season of prayerful reflection: "Lord, what is it You want to do through me? What will I bring to the legacy for the next generation?"

Our Legacy Generosity Campaign offers each of us the opportunity to answer this call in tangible ways:
1. Sustaining Gift to the Annual Budget: Begin by considering a sustaining gift to support our ongoing missions and ministries. This foundational contribution helps ensure the vitality of our church’s core operations and outreach efforts.
2. Three-Year Sacrificial Gift: Beyond your sustaining gift, we invite you to make a sacrificial commitment over the next three years. This additional pledge is dedicated to significantly reducing our debt, enabling us to embrace new possibilities, forge impactful partnerships, and strengthen our presence in the community with greater flexibility and freedom.
3. Volunteering and Ministry Participation: Your time and talents are invaluable. Engage more deeply with our existing ministries or help us launch new initiatives that embody our mission. Whether it's through our feeding programs, music ministry, children's and youth activities, or community outreach efforts, your active participation fuels our collective impact.
4. Prayer and Spiritual Support: The foundation of our campaign is spiritual discernment and unity. We encourage you to join our Prayer Team or engage in personal and group prayer, seeking God's guidance for how you and our church can best serve His purpose.
5. Community Outreach: We are called to be a beacon of hope and love beyond our walls. Consider how you might extend the reach of our legacy through personal involvement in community service, advocating for social justice, or simply sharing the love of God with those in your daily life.

As we embark on this journey, remember that every act of generosity, no matter the size, contributes to a wave of positive change and forges a lasting legacy. Together, with God’s help, we will harmonize our individual journeys with our collective mission, transforming not only our community but also the hearts within it.

Let us envision a future where Aldersgate is not just sustaining but thriving — a future where we continue to be a heartwarming, life-changing, and safe haven for all. Together, let's build a lasting legacy that transcends our lifetimes, enriching countless lives and transforming our community, one relationship at a time.

With Gratitude,

Rev. Rodney Whitfield
Senior Pastor